Thursday, June 14, 2012

Getting ahead of myself

I've already made three cakes - before I'd decided to do the blog. But I'm going to write about them anyway.

The first one was the Millionaire Chocolate Truffle Cake in our folder of loose dessert recipes; my mother's friend sent it to her in a letter. It involves beaten egg whites, cream, and a pan smaller than the one we had. So as I was getting it out it just kind of...fell apart. It's now in a circular plastic container...otherwise known as Tupperware. Not only did it fall completely apart, I overcooked it and burned it, so it's not even worth eating.

But when that one fell apart, I had all this whipped cream (special whipped cream with cream cheese in it) and chocolate icing, and I had no idea what to do with it. So I made another cake. That one was the Luscious Chocolate Cake from the Chocolate Deck by Lori Longbotham (Chronicle Books); it's not a cookbook so much as a deck of cards with chocolate recipes on them. We absolutely love the Chocolate Deck.

Unfortunately, the "Luscious" cake turned out kind of flavorless. It tasted me more like yogurt than chocolate...even the icing, which was supposed to be really chocolatey, had too much cream cheese in it, so the whole thing was just kind of blah. I made up the icing as I went along - it had melted chocolate, butter, cream cheese, and heavy cream in it. I don't think I even added sugar.

So those two were both not that exciting. (Especially Millionaire, who is now sadly reposing in its container, uneaten and unlikely to be.) Yesterday I made a Classic Chocolate Cream Pie from Best-Loved Hershey's Recipes (Publications International, Ltd.) and it wasn't great either.

Tasted like gelatin.

As I get more adventurous, I'll screw around with the recipes to see what happens, but for now I'll stick with the direct recipe.

I may post a picture of the Chocolate Cream Pie and some main dish later tonight or tomorrow morning, if I can figure out how to work the camera. Just wait for it.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful project! Your blog looks very attractive. I hope that cooking and baking and then writing about the results will bring you loads of pleasure. And I'm very glad to get to know you a bit better through the information you provided in your profile.
