Thursday, June 14, 2012


I promised you pictures, didn't I? Well, lucky people, here they are.

That's the chocolate cream pie. Delicious, right? Well, not so much. Actually it's a bit slimy. And that picture is quite a bit yuckier than it actually is...I've thought about, next time (if I'm feeling adventurous or martyrous), adding beaten egg whites to make it airier. Well, that will happen next summer. Hey, that's an idea!

Moving on.

That, unfortunately, is the Stoved Chicken from Best Ever One-Pot Meals (Lorenz Books). It calls for thyme and bay, but I forgot the bay and skimped on the thyme, because not everyone (aka Jem, my younger brother) is all that into spices. Unfortunately this left the whole thing tasting like...well, like chicken broth. Not unpleasant, but not delicious. Despite the mounds of pepper I put in...Plus the recipe called for two whole onions. Next time I'm only putting in one. Not that the onions weren't good...but there were a LOT of them. There was an awful lot of chicken broth, too. It was quite soupy.

Anyway, Jem and Dad enjoyed it more than I did. Other people like what you make more than you do. (The memorable Carrot Soup Incident - I actually couldn't eat it, it was that bad, but Mom and Jem have asked me more than once when I'm going to make it again. NEVER!!)

Back to the Stoved Chicken. The potatoes were lovely and tender...the bacon definitely added some flavor, but I'm afraid my family fought over who got enough, even though I doubled the amount the recipe called for. I think I should just put in the whole package and be done with it.

Next time, I'm hoping to do a vegetarian dish and a non-chocolate dessert. We'll see how that works out. Hang in, everywhere. I promise this blog won't be a complete waste of your time.

This is my new favorite song ever. Just adding some spice.

1 comment:

  1. Everything sounds delicious to me. Your family is very lucky to enjoy the fruits of your labors. I think the background of the chocolate cream pie photo gives the picture the air of one taken at the site of some natural disaster, because the kitchen counter (I'm assuming that is what the pie is resting on) resembles rubble, somehow; in any event, it looks quite arty. The second photo resembles pictures shot by professionals for magazines and cookbooks. The table top, your mother's pottery, and even the placemats, as well as the potatoes and chicken dish, look lovely. Isn't it gratifying when you cook something and there are no leftovers and folks even want more?
