Thursday, June 14, 2012

Summer Cooking Project

So, in a complete absence of anything else to do the summer between ninth and tenth grade, I am undertaking a project something like Julie-and-Julia, only minus the obnoxious Julie and, unfortunately, Julia Child. I just don't have the time or the energy or the cooking skill to cook all of Julia Child...sigh...

Anyway, that's not what I'm doing (and not what I'm supposed to be writing about). I'm planning to cook at least two dishes a week - one a dessert, one a main dish - and them I'm going to blog about it. Hopefully there will be pictures. Hopefully I'll manage one post per week. Hopefully I won't give up halfway through...

I am an okay cook, and an excellent eater, so I think this is going to be fun. Please agree with me. If you don't, why would you be reading this blog? All my recipes are going to come from the collection of recipe books we have, and because I think posting the direct recipes is some kind of copyright infringement I'll just give the name of the recipe and the book I got it from (in case you ever, you know, wanted to make whatever-it-is yourself).

Right. Here we go.

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